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California Insurance Blog

Earthquake insurance and your condominium

California has almost 16,000 known earthquake faults, and earthquake insurance is not included with a standard condominium insurance policy. If an earthquake damaged your condo, you would not have any compensation to make repairs if you do not have an additional earthquake policy.

THINK Insurance & Financial Services in Pomona, CA, could be the insurance company that helps you with your earthquake policy because we care about giving you the additional coverage help you need as soon as possible because you need this to have a standard condominium homeowner’s experience. Call them today to get the help you need with your policy.

This residential earthquake insurance additional coverage offers:

  • repairs to your condominium
  • living expenses for alternative housing while repairs are being made to your condominium following an earthquake
  • replacing contents damaged by an earthquake

You would not pay your deductible yourself to receive payment on an earthquake claim. It would be taken from the compensation for the damages to your condominium, so you would not need to pay a deductible upfront.  

 You could also buy a Building Property optional coverage that protects built-in items of your home, such as appliances, fixtures, and wall-to-wall carpeting. 

You may get the Loss of Use coverage, which is optional, that pays for living expenses if earthquake damage to your condominium or an order by a civil authority after an earthquake causes you to need to live elsewhere. There is no deductible for this additional policy type.

Call THINK Insurance & Financial Services in Pomona, CA, to get the help you need with this additional earthquake policy.

The Different Types of Auto Insurance Coverage

There are a few different types of coverage you can choose from when it comes to car insurance. Understanding the differences between these types is essential, as it can help you make the best decision for your needs. Below is an overview of each type of coverage.

1. Collision Coverage

This type of coverage helps pay for damages to your vehicle that a collision with another object has caused. This can include hitting a guardrail, another car, or even a tree. It’s essential to have this type of coverage if you want to be able to repair your vehicle after an accident.

2. Comprehensive Coverage

Are you worried about the damage to your car from things other than a collision? Then comprehensive coverage may be a good option for you. This type of coverage can help pay for repairs or replacement if your car is damaged by events such as fire, theft, or vandalism. If you have a loan on your vehicle, the lender often requires this type of coverage.

3. Liability Coverage

Liability coverage helps to protect you from financial damages if you are found liable for an accident. This can include things like medical expenses and property damage. It’s important to have this type of coverage if you don’t want to be responsible for paying these costs out of your own pocket.

4. Medical Payments Coverage

This coverage helps to pay for your medical expenses after an accident. This can include X-rays, hospital stays, surgery, and more. It’s a good idea to have this type of coverage if you want to be sure your medical expenses are covered.

5. Uninsured/Underinsured

The coverage protects you if you are hit by a driver who does not have insurance or does not have enough insurance to cover the damage. This can be a valuable type of coverage, as it can help protect you financially if you are involved in an accident with an uninsured driver.

Need Auto Insurance in Pomona, CA?

Now that you know more about the different types of auto insurance coverage, it’s time to decide which one is right for you. THINK Insurance & Financial Services can help you choose and find the best policy for your needs. Contact us today to get started!

Is Health Insurance Required in California?

While health insurance is not required by law in California, it’s highly recommended to maintain health insurance for your own well-being, along with preventative care.

Finding the best healthcare plan for you and your family takes careful consideration and thoughtfulness. The team at THINK Insurance & Financial Services serves the Pomona, CA area and we’re here to help inform you of the options available in California. 

We often hear people say they don’t need to have a primary care doctor because they’re in perfect health. While this may seem like a good idea, seeing a primary physician once a year is essential to remain in good health and to be aware of any issues that may arise around your health. 

Your primary care doctor can perform a routine physical exam, ask you questions about your habits and overall health, and even order bloodwork to resolve any issues you may be having. Even something small can escalate into something much more serious if you don’t stay on top of your health. 

So, whether you’re in good health or not, seeing a doctor at least once a year is the best way to maintain and improve your health. The same goes for other family members. 

If you feel overwhelmed by the numerous healthcare plan options available, we understand. Whether it’s just you on your policy or you’re covering several family members, including children, it can be daunting trying to select the right plan. That’s why the agents at THINK Insurance & Financial Services are here to help. 

Our team can do the heavy lifting for you, assess your family’s situation, and make recommendations based on your lifestyle and needs. We’re here to help residents in the Pomona, CA area any way we can. Contact us today!

Why You Need Life Insurance

Though many people don’t like to think about the possibility of dying, the truth is that everyone is going to at some point. You may want to consider getting life insurance at some point, though the sooner you do, the better off you will be. 

So, why do you need life insurance? Here are some reasons why. 

If someone relies on your income, you need to protect them. If you support your family, you aren’t going to want to leave them in the dust when you pass. A good policy will ensure that they will have some money to support themselves while they find a way to get their life back together. 

You may even need life insurance if you are supporting your parents or other loved ones. If you are a caregiver, they are going to need to find someone else to take care of them. Even if you just financially help your parents, they will still need some money after you are gone. 

If you have a business that you run, you are going to want insurance to protect your family. If your business will not be able to survive without you, you are going to want to make sure that your life insurance policy will help your family to get through this difficult time. 

Though you may not think that you need life insurance, the truth is, if there is anyone that relies on your income, you need to have some. Otherwise, your family won’t have the money to get their lives back in order. You also should have some if you run a business. 

If you want to make sure that your family will be fine without you, contact us today at THINK Insurance & Financial Services in Pomona, CA. 

Required Commercial Insurance in California

Businesses in California are required to have certain commercial insurance policies that protect the business as well as its employees and other people. If your California business doesn’t have the right types of commercial insurance, it could face a lot of financial problems. If you need commercial insurance for your business, contact us at THINK Insurance & Financial Services in Pomona, CA to find out more. 

Workers’ Compensation

This mainstay of businesses is required of all California businesses that have any number of employees. This includes employees who are part-time as well as full-time. This insurance coverage pays for the medical bills and lost wages that can be due to an employee after they have an injury while at work. Workplace injuries can be highly expensive for employers, so it’s important to have this coverage in place to protect the finances of the business. 

Commercial Auto Coverage

If a business in California owns a vehicle, that vehicle must be covered by a commercial auto policy. There are a few set minimum amounts for these policies, but they are extremely low when compared to other states. It’s a good idea to get more than the mandated minimums amounts. These amounts include a small amount for property damage liability to pay for someone else’s property if your driver causes an accident. In addition, there is a set minimum amount required for bodily injury liability for when one person has been injured in an accident caused by your driver. There is a higher amount required for all of the people who become injured in an accident that your driver causes. You can also add other coverage types, such as comprehensive coverage, to your policy to better protect your business. 

Get Your Business Covered

To get your business covered by the appropriate commercial insurance, contact us at THINK Insurance & Financial Services in Pomona, CA.

Types of Automobile Insurance You Should Consider

It can be quite confusing when you decide to get a car and then have to find the right insurance for your budget. There are so many different things to consider, that you may not even know where to start.

Here are some of the types of automobile insurance that you may want to consider. 

The basic insurance plan is liability only. This plan is usually not enough because it will only cover medical bills. It will not help you fix your vehicle or replace it if needed. 

For that reason, you may want to look into collision insurance. This will pay for damage to your car if you were in an accident. If it is totaled, they will give you money to help you find a replacement. 

Comprehensive coverage, though expensive, will cover a lot of damage.  It will help you fix your vehicle if it gets damaged due to the weather or a fire. It will also help you recoup your costs if it is broken into. Furthermore, it covers vandalism, floods, and even theft.  

You may also want to get uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. This will cover your losses if you get into an accident with someone who doesn’t have enough insurance. 

Some people want rental reimbursement coverage in case they need to use a rental at any point. This is optional, but it may be something to consider. 

Though you may want to stick to the minimum amount of insurance, you have to remember that you will only have liability, which will cover medical bills, but that may be about it. If you want to make sure that you get enough insurance, contact us today at THINK Insurance & Financial Services in Pomona, CA. 

Types of Health Insurance

When you are in the market for health insurance, it can be confusing. There are many different plans from a number of different carriers, but talking to an insurance agent can help you to understand the choices better. The healthcare benefits included in a health insurance policy depends a lot on your budget, the type of risk that you present and the type of insurance that you want. If you need health insurance, give us a call at THINK Insurance & Financial Services in Pomona, CA.

Catastrophic Insurance

This type of health insurance is often the most affordable. It gives the policyholder a discount on in-network medical services but has a high deductible. With this health coverage, you often never meet the deductible unless there is a major health incident, hence the name. If a catastrophic expense pushes you over the deductible, the insurance begins to pay for the medical services after that amount. This is often chosen by those who are self-employed so that they have coverage in case of a major incident. 

Employer-Based Health Insurance

If you are an employer who is looking for a health plan for your employees, these plans generally come with a lower deductible. Employees usually pay for a portion of the premiums, though some employers do pay for 100% of the cost of this insurance. There are many types of plans that you can choose for employees, and the cost generally depends on the number of employees, the policy that you choose and the amount of risk that each employee has. 

Get Health Insurance Coverage

If you need health insurance, don’t wait. Every day that passes presents more risk of a sickness or injury. When you want to get started, call us today at THINK Insurance & Financial Services in Pomona, CA to speak to an insurance agent about your insurance needs. 

California Auto Insurance: Why Comprehensive Insurance is Important

When it comes to auto insurance in California, the minimum requirement is liability insurance. You need to have bodily injury per person and per accident insurance, and property damage liability coverage. You also need uninsured and underinsured motorist coverage. 

There are other risks when you drive on California roads that you may want to consider additional insurance for. Comprehensive auto insurance is one of those additional coverages.

At THINK Insurance & Financial Services, we want Pomona, CA drivers to be fully protected when they are driving.

What is Comprehensive Insurance

Comprehensive insurance is coverage that protects you against your losses when something happens to your vehicle that is not collision-related.

When your vehicle is vandalized or broken into, comprehensive insurance will cover those losses. It will also cover some damages such as if something were to fall on your car. 

Benefits of Comprehensive Insurance

The benefits of comprehensive insurance are that it will repair or replace your vehicle for its actual cash value if something happens to it. If you only have the minimum requirements of auto insurance on your car, liability insurance will not cover you for theft, vandalism, or damages caused by other events such as falling or flying objects.

If you do not have an older car, then comprehensive insurance offers the benefit of covering you for the many risks of driving on California roads.

Get a Quote

The best auto insurance is insurance that covers you for many perils. If you want a more thorough coverage, consider adding comprehensive insurance to your policy. At THINK Insurance & Financial Services, we help Pomona, CA get the auto insurance policy that is best for their needs. Call us for a quote today.

Health Insurance Myths To Watch Out For

THINK Insurance & Financial Services serves the Pomona, CA community. We are an independent agency. We strive to help our clients find the coverage they need to protect their assets. We work with multiple carriers throughout the West Coast. This allows us to offer our clients flexible policies designed to meet their needs over time.

Health Insurance Myths

Living a healthy lifestyle allows you to minimize stress. However, sometimes you just aren’t feeling well. During these times, it’s important to have health insurance. Health insurance covers you if you need urgent care. Any emergency medical treatment is covered. Health insurance also covers your preventative care, such as yearly checkups and exams. You are also covered if your doctor prescribes medication to help you feel better. Health insurance also covers your rehabilitation after a serious injury. While you are researching coverage, avoid these common health insurance myths.

Young People Don’t Need Coverage

This is one of the biggest misconceptions regarding health insurance. Health insurance is an asset regardless of how old you are. Anyone can get sick at any time. It’s important to have yearly checkups so that you will be aware of potential issues before they get worse.

I Don’t Need A Policy Because Of Group Coverage

If you have coverage through your Pomona, CA employer’s group policy, simply relying on that policy is a mistake. Having your own individual policy provides you with more options. You can customize your individual policy to align with your needs.

Health Coverage Starts Immediately

Be aware that you will have a waiting period before your health insurance coverage kicks in. Generally, the waiting period is between 1-2 months.

THINK Insurance & Financial Services Will Help You Protect Your Assets

Visit our website to learn more information about health insurance.

Overlooked Renters Insurance Facts To Consider While Researching Coverage

THINK Insurance & Financial Services is an independent agency. We work closely with multiple carriers throughout California. We help Pomona, CA residents find the coverage they need to protect their assets. We offer flexible policies designed to evolve as our client’s needs change.

Overlooked Renters Insurance Facts

The Pomona, CA community is home to several areas of appealing apartment complexes. If you plan to move into one of these rental properties, you’ll need renters insurance. Renters insurance protects your personal items if they are damaged or stolen. Liability coverage is an important part of your policy. You are covered if you invite a guest over, and they suffer an injury. You are also protected if you accidentally cause damage to someone’s property. While you are in the process of finding coverage, pay attention to these often overlooked facts.

Your Coverage Is Separate From Your Landlord’s

Many people make the mistake of relying on their landlord’s coverage to protect them in any situation. You need your own renter’s insurance policy to cover you if your belongings are damaged.

Interior Coverage

Renters insurance also covers any interior damage to the unit. If the unit is severely damaged, you can add alternative living coverage. This gives you a safety net if you have to find another place to stay until your rental unit is fixed.

Extra Coverage

If you live in an area where an earthquake may happen, you’ll need to add extra coverage. Generally, renters insurance doesn’t cover damage caused by natural disasters. Consider adding flood coverage as well, so you will be covered if a severe storm passes through the area.

THINK Insurance & Financial Services Will Help You Protect Your Assets

Visit our website to learn more information about renters insurance.  

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