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California Insurance Blog

How Often Can My Friend Drive My Car Before I Need To Add Them To My Policy?

Most insurance companies that serve Pomona, CA will have no problem with you lending your car to a friend or family member every now and then, whether or not they’re on the policy. You’ll want to read your policy to be sure, but it’s rare that an insurer will deny a valid claim for an accident that happened while your friend was driving the car. This is, of course, assuming that your friend is fully licensed and not doing anything illegal. But it’s generally not a big deal.

The complications arise when your friend is driving your car so frequently that it’s basically their car, too, at this point, and when someone who works for you is driving the car.

If you have, say, a babysitter who drives your car to pick the kids up, then you need to call your insurance provider and find out what their rules are regarding people in your employ borrowing the car to perform paid tasks for you. Likewise, if you have a friend or family member who borrows your car once a week, or even more frequently than that. At this point, that’s not one-off lending of the car, but a part of the car’s regular routine.

As usual, the best policy is to let your insurer know. Your insurer can be more flexible than you realize when it comes to this sort of thing, but they need to know what they’re covering if they’re going to cover it.

If you’re still shopping for insurance in Pomona, CA, get in touch with THINK Insurance & Financial Services. THINK Insurance & Financial Services can connect you with the policy you, and your friends, need to drive safely.

Health insurance: What does it cover in Pomona CA?

Navigating through the world of health insurance is a monumental task. With fast-paced lives, home responsibilities, and pressure at work, we hardly get the chance to live healthy lives nor pay much attention to health insurance. Health insurance helps protect you and your loved ones by paying for surgical, medical, and sometimes dental expenses. Depending on your needs, THINK Insurance & Financial Services recommends having a form of health insurance to cover for individual medical costs.

What does it cover?

Companies often include health insurance as an employer benefits package to entice quality employees. The premiums are partially deducted from the employers but usually deducted from the employee paycheck. With such a package, the best way to learn what is covered is by enquiring from the hospital. If you have two forms of coverages, it is essential to know what each covers to avoid repetition in coverages.

Health benefits

  • Emergency services
  • Ambulatory patient services
  • Hospitalization
  • laboratory services
  • Pediatric services
  • Preventive and wellness services
  • Chronic disease management
  • Prescription drugs
  • Rehabilitative and habilitative services 
  • Maternity and newborn care 
  • Mental health and substance abuse disorder services, including counseling, psychotherapy.

Is health insurance necessary?

In most cases, health insurance is not mandatory. However, some job contracts may require you to have a health insurance policy. Certain situations also call for a high-quality health insurance policy. For instance, if you have a pregnant wife or just welcomed a newborn, you may need insurance to cover for postnatal as well as the child’s regular doctor visits. People with serious health conditions, chronic illnesses, or diseases that require high-end treatment may also need health insurance to help cover medical costs.

You by now agree that your health is more important than anything else in the world. At THINK Insurance & Financial Services, we can help you stay healthy by providing you with useful information regarding health insurance. Feel free to call us or visit us at Pomona, CA today!

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